Who am I?

Have you ever asked that question? Who am I? Or, why am I even here? Does my life have any real meaning? Well, you are not alone. I believe if the truth be told, most people have at one time in their life asked those same questions.

Today, I am stepping way out of my comfort zone and embarking on a new journey I believe I have been called to take. Writing, or more to the point for this season in my life…blogging.

So here goes! You know what? They say trying and failing is not failing at all, not trying is failing, and I believe this is not going to fail, because this is a group journey and together we are going to explore-discover-and conquer as we dig deep into our hearts and discover who we are, why we are here, and what our purpose is.

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Everything that happens in our life touches the heart. Love, hurt, anger, joy, jealousy, happiness, every event, every emotion, has an affect on our heart; and when the heart is affected, everything in our life is touched and motivated by it. I’m not going to sugar coat this, doing a little house keeping of the heart takes some effort. When you start digging around in there it can get pretty messy, but WOW! it is so worth it.

Imagine walking around free of the past, free of the hurts, living life to its fullest without anything to weigh you down.

Are you ready?

Lets do this…

11 thoughts on “Who am I?”

  1. I am ready to see where God leads, not only me, but where our Heavenly Father leads us all. Blessings to you, Pam, for always allowing Jesus to guide your heart. ❤

  2. Stephanie Sutherland

    I’m proud of you ! The best outlet I believe is writing , I think you’ll find deeper meaning in your life after putting your experience down in words ! I’m looking forward to reading and supporting you through this season of exploration and self discovery .

  3. Great. I’ve been in this scripture for awhile. God said…you guard your heart. He isn’t doing it for me…

  4. This is the time for an exercise such as this; thank you Pam for venturing from the shore to the deep….. I believe this is the call of God’s great heart, that His people leave the comfort zone & safety of the shore… trust Him, go deeper.
    I stand with you in prayer………

  5. Thank you for inviting me. I love reading real life stories, victories, experiences etc. You are a sweet dear women and I pray God uses you to his fullest because you are a true woman of the Lord. Love you.

  6. I think this new frontier is a great way to discover how God has directed you. This reflection is so needed in the lives of Christ followers today so the Enemy does not blind-side and cause some to fall away because they never worked through issues from the past. Keep it up, Pam!

  7. This is a great starting point. I know you will take us over some hills and maybe up some mountains. I desire to grow and guard my heart also. Chris Fromberg

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