The world is full of desires that affect our feelings and emotions. Both feelings and emotions cannot be trusted to bring us the best results for our lives. Just because it feels good, does not mean it is good.
The world tells us:
“If It Feels Good Do It”
“Just Do It”
“If It Makes You Happy, That’s All That Matters”
“Have It Your Way”
Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? ” I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
Many people believe Psalms 37:4 means when we delight in the Lord He is going to give us anything and everything our hearts desire. As if God is some kind of genie that is just waiting for us to rub His tummy and He will then give us our every desire. The reality is God is not concerned about your desires and your comfort, He is concerned with your character and having your heart line up with His. It is true God gave us the freedom of choice, but His hearts desire is for you to have a future and a hope in Him and Him alone. Everything that affects our life starts in our hearts. Remember, the heart can be deceiving.
So what does Psalms 37:4 mean? It means that when we delight in God, when He is our number one priority, the most important one in our life. We seek His face and His will. When we truly get to the heart of God, like King David, “a man after God’s heart.” What happens is His desires become our desires and THEN…He gives us the desires of our heart.
Delight in the Lord is a process that takes time in His presence, getting to know the heart of God, learning what is important to Him so that our heart mirrors His heart. Knowledge of His great love for us will indeed give delight. Giving ourselves to Him means fully trusting Him with all the details of our life, our hearts, our desires, our will.
Psalms 37:7 …we should be willing to wait patiently before the Lord, Knowing He is working out what is best for our lives. (emphasis mine)
The worlds way will always bring instant gratification, but it does not last. There will always be something new to purchase, a food to enjoy, a car to buy, you fill in the blank__________. The difference is, what the world has to offer is a cheap replica of what God’s heart, purpose, and desire is for your life. Don’t settle for a cheap imitation, seek after God with all your heart, mind, and soul.
The safest place to be is in the perfect will of God. He will never fail you.
Blessings, PJC