I Feel Lighter…

I entered this year with anticipation that God was up to something in my life. 2022 had ended on a very stressful note and I was looking forward with anticipation there would be a turn around in 2023. Much to my disappointment, it started the way the previous year ended. My husband and I entered our January fast and it did not take the Father long to tell me what it was that was weighing me down.

You see, I wasn’t just carrying my own worries and cares, I was carrying my employees as well. God told me it was not my job to carry them, it is His job. Carrying them was way too big for me and that is not what I was created for. You see, it is God’s job to carry us and lead us. Only God truly knows what we need. God went on to say as long as I was carrying them it hindered Him from doing what He needed to do in their life.

Now I have to say that was really an eye opener for me. I never realized we can actually hinder God’s work in someones life by trying to do things we were never intended to do. We need to stop here for a moment and understand there is a difference between caring for someone and carrying them. God calls us at times to help people who are in need, people who are going through a difficult situation. But carrying someone is a totally different situation.

When we carry burdens that we are not supposed to it weighs us down, and wears us out. We get bogged down by things God never intended for us to be in charge of. It also keeps the one you are carrying from going to God for what they need. We have no idea what God may be trying to do in and through the person. If God has not told you directly to do something, then the best thing we can do for the situation is to go to God in prayer for that person or situation.

Psalms 55:22 Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

So, what did I do. I asked God to forgive me and I let go of carrying what I was not supposed to be carrying, and guess what? I feel lighter!

“God is strong enough to carry what is crushing you!”

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