At the very core of our being is the need to be loved, appreciated, and needed. In a healthy family these basic needs are instilled in children from the moment they take their first breath. Children grow up knowing they are loved as they are nurtured from parents, grandparents, and close family members; they are secure because they’re shown early in life they are appreciated and needed as an important part of the family.
What happens when these elements are missing in a young child’s life? There are exceptions, but those exceptions are rare. When the family is out of balance, children grow up with voids, and these voids leave them trying to fill the voids … usually with things and or people that only leave more voids.
When I came into this world in the early 1960’s, my parents were in divorce court. Now I want to preface this from the start…my parents have made some mistakes in their life, but we all have. My parents may be guilty of making some mistakes, but I do not blame them … we will go deeper into this subject later.
So at the very heart of this thing, my life started with a void. Divorce was not as common in the 60’s as it is today. Families were not as diverse as they are today either. I was a middle schooler before I met someone whose parents were divorced …talk about not fitting in (another subject we will dive into later) I cannot say that my life was void of love, because I had lots of aunts and uncles and wonderful grandparents. The thing is this, our earthly father is supposed to be a human example of our heavenly Father, when this does not happen-HUGE void in our life. Our earthly fathers play a very important role in our lives; what we feel about ourselves, our value, our security, and so , so, so much more.
I can only remember one birthday that my dad was present. He never attended any of my school activities, graduations, or wedding. Dad was what is known as “an absentee father.” Unfortunately, some experience the total opposite of an absentee, and have instead an abusive father. Whether your dad was absent in your life, abusive in your life, or just plain abandoned you. I want you to know this: you are loved – you are valued – and you have a purpose in this world.
Psalm 27:10 NLT Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.
The un-created God, created you and He has more love for you than you could ever imagine, He created you for a purpose and you are very valuable to HIM! I know it is hard to believe this when what has been shown or what has been experienced is polar opposite to this truth. For so many years I knew in my head what God’s Word said, it just had not made it’s way into my heart. I would think to myself, “yes you say this, but how do I know you won’t let me down God? I have been let down so many times.” He will not let me down and He will not let you down either. His Word is truth, God is truth, He does not just love, HE IS LOVE!
The most solid-for sure thing in this world is God, His Word, His promises, His LOVE
I am so glad you are on this journey with me. We are going to walk this out so that we have healthy hearts filled with trusting and believing the truth of what our heavenly Father tells us, so that we not only read it…but 100% believe and trust in it.